plan a legacy

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Dollie Lynch clutching her face and smiling

Extend Your Charitable Impact into the Future

Create a charitable legacy that allows your generosity to support a flourishing southwest Washington for generations to come.

Benefits of a Legacy Gift

You can’t predict our community’s future needs, but you can rest assured knowing that the Community Foundation will continue to work with local nonprofits and community partners to determine where your charitable dollars can create the greatest impact.


Legacy gifts can sustain nonprofits by providing consistent, annual support that can grow over time and always be counted on.


We design legacies that withstand the test of time, and when the unexpected arises, we will be here to ensure your original intent is carried out.


Support broad causes or specific nonprofits. If anything changes, you can update your fund agreement without the need for an attorney.


Your personal values and unique purpose are some of the most significant pieces of your life. A legacy gift can extend these into perpetuity.

How to Give

There are many ways to weave charity into the estate planning process.

Since 1984, we have partnered with individuals and families to create charitable legacies that provide lasting support for causes in southwest Washington and beyond. Drawing on our philanthropic, tax and legal expertise, we will help you design a flexible giving strategy and timeline that meet your financial planning needs and charitable vision. Discover your options below.

Planned Giving Options


Naming your charitable fund or the Community Foundation for Southwest Washington as the beneficiary of a gift through your will or estate plan allows you to feel good about your contribution now while parting with your assets after your lifetime. See our sample language.

Beneficiary Designation

Designating the Community Foundation for Southwest Washington as a beneficiary of a retirement, investment or bank account, or your life insurance policy, ensures that your support for the community continues long into the future.

Charitable Remainder Trust

Provide you or a loved one with annual income for a set number of years or over your lifetime. At the end of this timeframe, the remainder is directed to your fund at the Community Foundation or your favorite charity.

Charitable Gift Annuity

Make a gift of cash or appreciated assets to a charitable fund at the Community Foundation and receive fixed payments for life and an immediate tax deduction. After your lifetime, the remaining amount of your gift goes directly into the charitable fund.

Charitable Lead Trust

Your fund at the Community Foundation or your favorite charity receives an income stream over a set number of years or your liftetime; after which, you or your loved one regain ownership of the assets.

Retained Life Estate

Give your property to the Community Foundation and retain the right to use the property during your lifetime.

What to Give

Find out what to give and learn about the best assets to make a planned gift.

Community Foundation for Southwest Washington has expertise in accepting a broad range of gifts—both current and deferred—with efficiency and ease. We welcome the opportunity to partner with professional advisors in developing tax-smart strategies with their clients’ full array of assets.

The Heritage Society logo

The Heritage Society

Another reason to establish a legacy gift with the Community Foundation for Southwest Washington is our thriving network of givers who care about local communities. Those who establish a legacy become part of a special group of donors called the Heritage Society. These visionary donors share a deep dedication to long-term impact in southwest Washington. In return, we work to foster meaningful connections through events, specialized resources and unique opportunities.

Get in Touch

Connect with Janie and be part of the force driving positive change.
Janie SpurgeonExecutive Vice President and Chief Development Officer

610 Esther Street, Suite 201

Vancouver, WA 98660


(360) 952-4313

Janie Spurgeon
Ed and Dollie Lynch smiling at the camera
“Giving has always been natural. If you have and someone doesn’t have, you share. It’s being human.”
Dollie LynchLegacy Donor