
2023 Grants from Designated Funds - $1.2 Million

Percent of Assets in Designated Funds - 7%

Designated Funds Established - 56

Total Grants Since Inception

$311 Million

Give Your Loyalty

Hundreds of remarkable nonprofits do great work in our community, and we often form strong ties to one or more of these organizations. If this sounds like you, a designated fund provides a way to help your favorite charities carry out their missions. These funds also ensure that your gift will remain true to its intent during or beyond your lifetime. You “designate” charities when you create the fund and the Community Foundation grants to them automatically on a schedule that you determine. If a designated organization dissolves or dramatically changes its mission, the Foundation responds in order to uphold your original intent.

Designated Funds : Fast Facts

How do I open a designated fund?
Setting up a designated fund is easy and can be done within 24 hours. Simply select a name for your fund, sign a fund agreement and contribute at least $10,000 to get started.
How is granting determined?
The funds that your specified charities receive depend on the value of your fund, but the grants are distributed based on a schedule you create when the fund is established.
Can a designated fund support a specific program?
Designations can be tailored to name a specific program or operational expenditure. Conversely, these funds can also specify operations that the fund should not support.
How else do these funds benefit the charities I support?
Your fund provides the nonprofit with a sustainable and dependable source of support based on the grant schedule you determine. Because your gift is given through us, it also provides the organization with planned giving and investment management services.
Describe the ideal donor for a designated fund.
Donors who know exactly which nonprofits they would like to support and do not feel the need to be actively involved in grantmaking. They are also favored by individuals and families who want to leave a legacy of support for specific nonprofits they care about.
How does my principal grow over time?
Your funds are managed according to our investment policy to protect your principal, generate current income and ensure capital growth. You can also invest your fund in partnership with a professional advisor.