
Total Charitable Assets - $387 Million

Total Grants Since Inception

$311 Million

Supporting the Community’s Foundation

The Administrative Endowment is the engine that drives our mission of inspiring a culture of giving. It allows Foundation staff to provide invaluable philanthropic expertise and knowledge of local needs to donors and nonprofits who are working to make a difference in southwest Washington. Your gift moves the Foundation beyond “just getting by.” It helps establish long-term sustainability for our mission, because contributions to the Administrative Endowment are permanently invested and generate an enduring, consistent revenue stream. Each year, as the fund grows, the Administrative Endowment distributes 5 percent of its total value to the Community Foundation, while excess earnings are reinvested to continue growing the fund and the organization’s future. Thus, gifts today provide an infinite amount of support for the Community Foundation’s vital mission. 

Fast Facts : Administrative Endowment

How does the Administrative Endowment strengthen the Community Foundation?
The endowment represents the Foundation's permanent capital and allows our staff to grow philanthropy. Through its revenues we are able to provide fiscal advice and support, conduct nonprofit research and evaluation, improve philanthropic education and grow endowment giving for local nonprofits.
Can the Community Foundation draw increasingly upon the endowment to cover more expenses?
The Administrative Endowment is less like an interest-earning checking account and more like a trust fund that is designed to make distributions in perpetuity — and without its real value eroding over time. Therefore, we invest for the long term and ensure its distributions are maintained for steady support in volatile and stable times alike.
Why are donors’ contributions to the Administrative Endowment important?
Your contribution to the Administrative Endowment builds our pooled investments and, thereby, provides increased distributions on an annual basis. This revenue is then used to meet the Foundation's ongoing program and operating expenses.
Who manages the Administrative Endowment?
All Community Foundation investments are managed by Russell Investments and reviewed by our experienced, volunteer Investment Committee.
What is the Community Foundation’s endowment spending policy and how is it determined?
The Community Foundation Investment Committee recommends the endowment spending (payout) policy. Currently, the Board of Directors has authorized a spending policy that allowed for a payout of 5 percent of a weighted five-year average.
How do market fluctuations affect the Administrative Endowment?
As with any investment portfolio, the value of the Administrative Endowment rises and falls with the market. In response to market fluctuations, the Investment Committee assesses and rebalances the portfolio’s asset allocation to ensure that payout of income remains relatively stable.