
Organizations Committed to Advancing Social Justice in Southwest Washington

Consider supporting these local organizations working to promote justice, eliminate race-based discrimination and empower underrepresented communities of color.

Local Organizations:

Clark County Latino Youth Conference
CCLYC brings Latino youth together to provide leadership development, elevate post secondary and technical career opportunities and provide culturally specific activities to first generation, priority populations and hard to reach youth. Visit their website to learn more and donate.

Comunidades is an organization that helps Latino communities organize and advocate to eradicate social injustice and protect natural resources. Visit their Facebook Page to learn more.

Ethnic Support Council 
The Ethnic Support Council is a grassroots organization working to bridge cultural gaps and meet the needs of diverse communities in Cowlitz County. It offers several programs to assist immigrants, refugees and people with limited English skills. Visit their website to learn more and donate.

Hispanic Disability Support SWWA (Pasitos Gigantes)
Hispanic Disability Support is a group where Hispanic parents meet and support each other. We become empowered with expert trainings on the issues that matter most to our community and we learn how to advocate in schools, medical services, and other services for our children with special needs. Visit their Facebook Group to learn more.

iUrban Teen
iUrban Teen is a nationally recognized program focused on bringing career focused education to underrepresented teens ages 13 to 18. Youth receive hands-on exposure to a variety of STEM+Arts careers and civic engagement that step them outside of their current boundaries. Visit their website to learn more and donate.

Latino Community Resource Group
The Latino Community Resource Group is a coalition of individuals and organizations that promote the success and empowerment of the Latinos in southwest Washington through community events, workshops and forums. Visit their website to learn more and donate.

NAACP Vancouver Branch 1139
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) exists to secure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights in order to eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all persons. Visit their website to learn more and donate.

SW WA LULAC Council 47013
LULAC advances the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, housing, health and civil rights of Hispanic Americans through community-based programs operating at more than 1,000 LULAC councils nationwide. The organization involves and serves all Hispanic nationality groups. Visit their website to learn more and donate.

SWWA United Communities for Change
Southwest Washington Communities United for Change is a grass-roots, community-based organization that came together to support BIPOC and marginalized community members to dismantle systems of oppression and support Southwest Washington community members. Visit their website to learn more.

YWCA Clark County
YWCA Clark County’s mission is to eliminate racism, empower women and promote peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all by providing direct service, support groups, community outreach and public policy. Visit their website to learn more and donate.

Statewide Organizations:

OneAmerica organizes with and advocates for diverse communities across Washington state. Through grassroots community organizing, they build broad-based movements led by people of color and their allies to create a more just, democratic and compassionate society. Visit their website to learn more and donate.

Pacific-Islander Community Association of Washington
Serving as a cultural home, this organization centers community power and advocates to further the wellness of Pacific Islander communities in Washington State, so that they can thrive physically, culturally, socially and spiritually. Visit their website to learn more and donate.

The Northwest Community Bail Fund
NCBF posts bail for people charged with low level crimes in western Washington to reduce the impact of monetary bail. Visit their website to learn more and donate.